Sunday 18 November 2007

Moratorium lifted on Doug's Market attendance

It was with nervous anticipation that Dougie & I set forth for the un-auspicious car-boot markets together. Kids, drink bottles and ice-packs intow, we bravely set forth, averting the first near catastrophe in the 'parking feng-shui' hurdle. You know what I mean. The sixth sense you need for finding the perfect carspot. I can usually summon this when required, but I find some people bravely look for parks without calling on chi. Doug was able to occupy his time with the nursery stalls and a 'carrot on a stick' of a promised Bunnings pit stop. A blue kangaroo (Grace) and an orange kangaroo (Sascha), 1 carton of chips (sorry), 1 nachos (me), a chicken burrito (Doug), a pkt white chocolate macadamias (Doug), and some salty bush nuts later (me), with 5 trees, 2 teacups & $10 worth of F & V in tow, we left.

1 comment:

Reality Raver said...

Hilarious, sounds like it was a fun day out.

Now I know why I can never find a decent carspot.

Looking forward on hearing on how the trees are going.