Friday 5 October 2007

One more mouth to feed

The number of mouths I have to feed has just hit 50! And I thought I'd left commercial cooking behind me. Admittedly 42 of them are silkworms, but there is a new resident in our garden. We are happy to announce the arrival of our latest family member, Johnathon Honey the guinea pig. He is white, black, ginger and adorable. Fifi sent a text from uni yesterday that sent dougiesgarden into a flurry of activity. Some kid had tried to return his guinea pig to the pet shop for unknown reasons and the pet shop had refused, also for unknown reasons. All was not lost for kid or guinea pig though, because who was the first person they met on the footpath but Fifi, who, for very good reasons, said "I'll take him!". Grace immediately took it upon herself to start construction on The Hutch Mahal. With a little help from her Dad, her cousin Hughie, and her uncle David, the frame was built by sunset. Johnathon Honey spent the night in temporary digs; a cardboard box on the kitchen table. He seems quite happy but understandably anxious to move in to an abode befitting his fabulous name (also given him by Grace). Construction should be complete by sunset today. My only concern is that The Hutch Mahal is ridiculously large for only one guinea pig. I must remember to keep a sharp lookout for forlorn looking children standing outside pet shops cradling anything small and furry, so I can casually direct my companions to the other side of the street. Well, not really, after 50 whats the big deal if there's one more?


Reality Raver said...

Gosh 50 mouths to feed, I reckon you guys could sell your story to Today Tonight, or at least to one of the weekly gossip mags.

Anyway Fifi I am definately nominating you for mother of the year in 2008!

Anonymous said...

I second the today tonight angle - can you weave in that the bats by the river are preying on your brood at night? They would love that

Anonymous said...

I think that Dougie should be nominated for the Father of the Year - toiling away in that garden to feed all those mouths! What do Guinea pigs eat Grace?